Friday, January 6, 2012

Recent journal pages

Sorry I haven't been blogging  much lately. My hubby is unemployed and has been using the computer a lot for job searches, etc. Plus I'm having some back problems that make it so I can't do as much art as I'd like. Sooo, even though I can't blog as much as I'd like, I am still checking on you all and I AM doing art, just not as quickly. I'll still try to post at least once a week.
The page above is scraped with paint, stenciled with punchnella, a bird and a snowflake, which is leftover from when I punched snowflakes for my calendar pages. The New Year makes you think of changes you'd like to see in your life, and that's what this page is for me. Thinking more positively and thinking of others more highly than myself.
This page is scraped with acrylic over some leftover spray, stenciled and I like the image and the bird! The flowers at the top are K&Company. Here's a little closer
Hope you all had a great week!


  1. Fantastic colors. I really love the owl...I really enjoy seeing your work. Hope your back feels better.

  2. All the bright colors are so cheerful and the images are great. More fun pages from you!

    I hope your back is better soon. I have a lot of trouble with my back so I can definitely sympathize with you.

  3. Love this journal page, Shawn!
    The quote fits so well, with your collage work. :]

    Sorry to hear about your back, take care of yourself.
    I injured my back when I was 9, left my back in chronic pain... I can relate. ((hugs))
